Discover your Ayurvedic body type

Discover Your Ayurvedic Body Type

1. What type is your Body Frame or what is your build like?

I am thin, bony & small framed, I hardly gain weight. I am of medium build; I can gain or lose weight easily. I am of large build: I gain weight easily but it is difficult for me to lose.

2. What is your walking and talking style?

I walk and talk fast. I walk with moderate and determined speed. I have a slow and steady walk.

3. What is your reaction to the weather?

I enjoy the warm climate and feel uncomfortable in cold weather. I enjoy cold weather and dislike warm weather. I am comfortable for most of the year but prefer summer & spring. I don't like damp climates.

4. What is your body type in terms of sweating & perspiration?

I sweat a little but not much. I have minimal body odor. I sweat a lot and have medium body odor. I sweat moderately but sweat a lot when working hard. I have a strong body odor.

5. What is your appetite like?

It is irregular. Sometimes I feel hungry and sometimes I don't. I suffer from hunger pangs; I always feel hungry. I have a decent appetite. I have a tendency to eat for comfort & taste.

6. What is your skin type?

It is normal to dry. Its texture is rough, thin, and cool. I suffer from skin issues like dryness, dullness and wrinkly skin. My skin is normal to oily. Its texture is soft, reddish, sensitive and warm. I have skin issues like inflammation. I have normal oily skin. Its texture is soft, thick and cool. I have skin issues like excessive oiliness, itching and fungal infections.

7. What is your hair type?

I have rough, dry and wavy hair. I get split ends easily. I have normal, straight and thin hair. I have thick, curly and oily hair. Hair color tends to be on the darker side.

8. What is the type of your lips and teeth?

I have thin lips that tend to get dry. Teeth are somewhat uneven and may require constant attention. I have medium sized soft lips and my upper lip is slightly darker than my lower lip. My teeth are medium sized but I tend to suffer from cavities. I have large and smooth lips. My teeth are well formed and aligned and require less care in general.

9. Your eyes are defined best by which category?

My eyes are small in size and they often feel dry and sleepy. I blink a lot. My eyes are medium size. I often get reddish eyes. My eyes are big and attractive. I have thick eye lashes.

10. Some general signs in your body?

There is a cracking sound in joints, I have a small forehead and my nails crack easily. I have black moles on my body and a medium forehead, my nails are pink and soft. I have heavy thighs, hips, etc. I have a large forehead and my nails are whitish and wide.

11. What is your memory type?

I am quick to learn but I quickly forget. My short-term memory is good. I have average speed of learning, but once I learn I never forget. I am slow to learn but I remember for a long time. My long-term memory is good.

12. What is the nature of your mind?

My mind tends to get restless easily. My mind gets impatient or aggressive easily. My mind remains calm and cool. Mostly unruffled.

13. How good are you at taking decisions?

I over think a lot. I am quick at implementation. I am lazy at implementation. I have a tendency to procrastinate.

14. How is the quality of your sleep?

I have a light and disturbed sleep. I wake up easily in the morning. I have a moderate but regular sleep. I can go back to sleep easily. I have a deep and heavy sleep. I can't easily wake up in the morning.

15. What is my emotional nature?

I worry a lot and I often feel nervous and anxious. I often get irritable, angry and impatient. I am loving and caring. It takes a lot to make me angry.