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  • Faulad Compound Syrup
  • Faulad Compound Syrup

Faulad Compound Syrup

Per piece

Product details

Faulad Compound (Pack of 120 ml.)


Key Highlights

  • Helps replenish lost iron
  • Helps indigestion
  • Boosts metabolism


Prabhat Faulad Compound is an iron-rich tonic that helps fulfil the nutritional deficiency faced by adults due to their hectic and busy schedules. It is formulated to facilitate comfort in anaemic conditions during pregnancy and lactation, in growing children, in heavy menstrual bleeding, and in blood loss due to any cause.


  • The tonic is indicated in Anaemic conditions in growing children
  • The product is useful for Anaemic conditions in the case of heavy menstrual bleeding
  • It is helpful in Anaemic conditions during pregnancy and lactation
  • It aims to provide relief in the case of blood loss due to any cause


Composition :

A perfect fusion of nature's finest ingredients meticulously crafted to enhance your well-being. Each vial contains a harmonious combination of potent elements:

1. Ashwagandha (500 mg) - Known for its adaptogenic properties, Ashwagandha helps combat stress and promote a sense of calm and balance.

2. Shatavari (500 mg) - A cherished herb for women's health, Shatavari supports hormonal balance and promotes overall vitality.

3. Shwet Musli (200 mg) - Revered for its aphrodisiac properties, Shwet Musli boosts stamina and vitality.

4. Guduchi (300 mg) - A powerhouse of antioxidants, Guduchi aids in detoxification and supports a healthy immune system.

5. Munakka (200 mg) - Rich in nutrients, Munakka nourishes the body and helps maintain overall health.

6. Dadima (300 mg) - Pomegranate, or Dadima, is packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants, promoting overall well-being.

7. Haritaki (200 mg) - Known for its digestive benefits, Haritaki aids in maintaining a healthy gut.

8. Amalaki (200 mg) - A potent source of Vitamin C, Amalaki supports immunity and rejuvenates the body.

9. Gulab Pushap (200 mg) - Rose petals, or Gulab Pushap, bring a delightful aroma and contribute to a soothing experience.

10. Kaunch (200 mg) - Kaunch seeds are valued for their ability to support male reproductive health and vitality.

11. Alsi (200 mg) - Flaxseed, or Alsi, is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, contributing to overall heart health.

12. Ajwain (150 mg) - Ajwain seeds are known for their digestive properties and promote gut comfort.

13. Methi (150 mg) - Fenugreek, or Methi, supports metabolism and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

14. Marich (100 mg) - Black pepper, or Marich, enhances nutrient absorption and adds a touch of warmth to the blend.

15. Punarnava (100 mg) - Punarnava promotes kidney health and acts as a natural diuretic.

16. Loh Bhasam (100 mg) - An Ayurvedic preparation, Loh Bhasam contributes to overall well-being.

17. Gokhru (100 mg) - Gokhru supports urinary health and helps maintain a healthy urinary system.

Expertly crafted and carefully balanced, ensuring a pure and authentic herbal experience. Embrace the goodness of nature with Faulad compound and embrace a healthier, happier you.


Indication :

It is very useful in Anaemia, Iron deficiency, Jaundice 

and Lactation. It rectifies Liver and Stomach disorders.

It Increases R.B.C. In the blood.


Dosage :

One teaspoonful with milk or fruit juice 

B.D.S. or as directed by the physician.


Side Effects

There are no known side effects of this product but do check the ingredients for allergy if any. If the problem persists then consult your physician.


Storage Information

Keep it in a cool, dry and dark place.


Q.  Can it be given to children?

Yes, it can be given to children and adults alike.

Q. Does it Taste Bitter?

No, it has a great natural taste and is palatable.

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