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Shantam Tablet

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Shantam Tablet

Key Highlights

  • Useful in Hypertension Management
  • Helps in controlling High Blood Pressure
  • Induces natural Sleep Pattern


Shantam Tablets from Prabhat Ayurvedic Pharmacy is one of the highest-selling products in its category. They are blood pressure ayurvedic medicine and are remarkably effective in treating symptoms high blood pressure, hypertension, and having Trouble sleeping at night. Its regular use helps you not only control your high blood pressure causes but also relaxes your mind from day-to-day tension and induces normal sleep patterns in people who are suffering from insomnia and helps with Causes of insomnia in females, who have a question that, why can't I sleep at night even when i'm tired.

Often people have a question that, what can I take to sleep if I have high blood pressure? Because often the medicines available cause dependency and have side effects. For sleeping difficulty people are looking for sleeping problems solutions and Shantam Tablets are a blood pressure ayurvedic medicine that are remarkably effective in treating symptoms related to high blood pressure, hypertension causes and headaches. For centuries, Ayurveda has used herbs and natural ingredients to balance the body's system and maintain its health. Shantam Tablets come with benefits such as a natural sleep pattern, antioxidant properties, stress-relieving effects and more.

These days the problem of hypertension is rising in young adults and hypertension diagnosis is increasingly finding its way in the doctors' clinics. It is due to societal pressures and causes difficulty sleeping causes and leads to the question that what causes high blood pressure in young adults?  There is no straightforward answer to this question because it is a combination of numerous factors, but it can be accounted for poor lifestyle choices, like taking high blood pressure diet, societal pressures, and lack of physical activity. 

Shantam Syrup is also available for people who might not be comfortable in swallowing the tablets. It is also incredibly effective and easy to use.

It also has ingredients like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi and Rauwolfia along with Mukta (Pearls) Pishti which are known for their restorative properties for your nervous system. It is one of the best herbal treatments available and is trusted by doctors. 



  • Natural Sleep Inducer
  • Calms your mind and relaxes you
  • Helps you in managing High Blood Pressure Range


MotiPishti                                         150 mg.

SarapGandha                                  150 mg.

Ext. of Sarapgandha,


Brahmi                                              050 mg.



These tablets are extremely useful for high blood pressure and

epilepsy and other mental disorders & Rakta Chap Shamak.



1-2 tablets twice a day with water 

or as directed by the physician.


Side Effects

There are no known side effects of this product but do check the ingredients for allergies if any. If the problem persists then consult your physician.


Storage Information

Keep it in a cool, dry, and dark place.


Q. How long can you have high blood pressure before it causes damage

Ans. When you are diagnosed with high blood pressure it is recommended to seek Doctor's advice immediately.

Q. What is hypertension in hindi

Ans Hypertension is called उचः रक्तचाप व हाई बी पी की समस्या कहते हैं, जिसमे धमनियों में रक्त का दबाव बड़ जाता है । 


Q. Can you take sleeping pills with high blood pressure

Ans. you should consult your doctor the above.

Q. immediate treatment for high blood pressure at home

Ans. try not to play doctor at home and contact a qualified person immediately

Q. What is high blood pressure range?

Ans. high blood pressure is 140/90mmHg or higher (or 150/90mmHg or higher if you're over the age of 80) ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

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